Former armed forces captain talks to residents about smart meter dangers

Retired armed forces captain Jerry Flynn spoke to a crowd of about 40 people at Kinnaird Hall in Castlegar

Retired Armed Forces captain Jerry Flynn (back right) spoke to about 40 people at the Kinnaird Hall Saturday night in Castlegar about the dangers of smart meters.

Retired Armed Forces captain Jerry Flynn (back right) spoke to about 40 people at the Kinnaird Hall Saturday night in Castlegar about the dangers of smart meters.

Retired Armed Forces captain Jerry Flynn spoke a crowd of about 40 people at Kinnaird Hall in Castlegar Saturday night. Flynn talked about the dangers of smart meters.

The Kelowna resident was a guest of the Castlegar based Citizens for Safe Technology and was introduced by Cliff Paluck, the local chapter’s head.

FortisBC has applied to the B.C. Utlities Commission and plans to install smart meters into all households in their service area.

The stop was one of three in the area for Flynn, who also spoke at Trail Saturday afternoon and South Slocan today (Sunday).

Castlegar News