Police released this image of Alan John Davidson as he looked in the 1980s.

Police released this image of Alan John Davidson as he looked in the 1980s.

Former coach, cop charged with sexual assault of boys

Man accused of multiple offences has been living in Ladysmith since July

Accusations of sexual assaults against boys nearly 30 years ago have followed a former RCMP officer and youth sports coach to Ladysmith.

RCMP in Regina announced this morning Alan John Davidson, 59, a Ladysmith resident since July of 2014, is facing three sexual assault charges in connection to assaults allegedly made against boys under the age of 18 while he was living in Yorkton Saskatchewan.

They follow on the heels of eight charges laid against Davidson about a year ago connected to similar allegations in the Thompson-Okanagan region of B.C.

The earlier charges, laid while Davidson was a resident of Calgary, were in connection to events that allegedly occurred while he was a hockey and baseball coach in Clearwater B.C. prior to his becoming a police officer in 1982.

The new allegations are tied to boys he came into contact with as a coach, RCMP member and member of the general community while living in Yorkton between April 1986 and August 1993.

Davidson, who was arrested in Nanaimo, has not been an RCMP officer since retiring in 1996. Saskatchewan RCMP say the Davidson investigation remains open.

“I would like to close by commending the victims for coming forward after all these years, especially considering the traumatic nature of the allegations,” Saskatchewan RCMP’s Major Crimes Program Inspector Jennifer Ebert said during a media conference. “It takes great courage to speak up.”

A Ladysmith RCMP spokesperson was not immediately available to answer questions.

Police provided a photo of Davidson from the ‘80s and a timeline of where he has lived in order to assist any possible witnesses:

1970s to 1981 – Clearwater, B.C.

August 1981 to February 1982 – Regina, Sask.

February 1982 to December 1983 – Coronach, Sask.

December 1983 to April 1986 – Lloydminster, Alta.

April 1986 to August 1993 – Yorkton, Sask.

August 1993 to 1996 – North Battleford, Sask.

1997 to 2004 – Camrose, Alta.

2004 to July 2014 – Calgary, Alta.

Ladysmith Chronicle