Former mayor awarded Diamond Jubilee Medal

Former Terrace mayor Jack Talstra received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition of his service to Terrace.

  • Oct. 3, 2012 8:00 p.m.
(Left) Former Terrace mayor Jack Talstra wears his newly awarded Diamond Jubilee medal over his heart. (Right) Mayor Dave Pernarowski presented Talstra with the medal on behalf of the Governor General of Canada.

(Left) Former Terrace mayor Jack Talstra wears his newly awarded Diamond Jubilee medal over his heart. (Right) Mayor Dave Pernarowski presented Talstra with the medal on behalf of the Governor General of Canada.

Former mayor Jack Talstra was recognized last night for years of service and contributions to the community of Terrace.

On the evening of Oct. 2, 2012, Talstra received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, which was presented to him by Mayor Dave Pernarowski on behalf of the Governor General of Canada.

Talstra was among 60,000 Canadians honoured with a diamond jubilee medal for significant contributions and achievements.

More than 40 people attended last night’s ceremony at city hall.

Jack, this is an award that recognizes commendable service, deserving praise and admiration, that honours you for your distinguished service to your fellow citizens,” said Pernarowski before presenting Talstra with the medal.

This place is amazing when it comes to people stepping forward,” said Talstra about receiving the medal. “They’re giving it to us here in Terrace and to the volunteers that do the work here throughout many many years and many decades.”

Born in the Netherlands, Talstra’s family first lived in Houston and then Telkwa before moving to Terrace when he was in Grade Two.

Talstra attended Riverside School and then Skeena when it was the city’s only secondary school. Both have since been demolished.

After attending law school at the University of British Columbia, Talstra returned to Terrace where he married Hilda. They have five children and six grandchildren.

Talstra served six years as a city councillor and 23 years as mayor before being defeated by Pernarowski in 2008.

After the ceremony Talstra talked about some of the city’s achievements during his time at city hall.

These include bringing Ferry Island into the city’s boundaries and its subsequent development, developing the Grand Trunk Pathway as a millennium project and adding a second sheet of ice to the arena now renamed the Terrace Sportsplex.

We were able to build that complex without a lot of local taxpayers dollars,” said Talstra.

Talstra was nominated for the medal by Terrace’s current city council.

For contributions to the community, Talstra also won the Order of Terrace award in 2009.








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