Rajesh Jayaprakash has announced he will be running for the NDP in the Cloverdale – Langley City federal riding. (Facebook image)

Former Surrey mayoralty candidate to run for NDP in Cloverdale – Langley City riding

Public transit and technology among issues cited by Rajesh Jayaprakash

A former Surrey mayoral candidate will be running for the NDP in the Cloverdale – Langley City riding against incumbent Conservative MP Tamara Jansen and Liberal John Aldag.

Rajesh Jayaprakash referred to his 2018 run for mayor in an online post announcing he was acclaimed as the candidate for the riding earlier this month.

“I ran for Surrey Mayor with five other council candidates to put the Skytrain issue on the municipal political agenda,” Jayaprakash commented.

“We were the first in the mayoral race to advocate for cancelling the LRT and for bringing the Skytrain instead. The current mayor and his team undoubtedly took up the issue after seeing our jam-packed open houses on the issue.”

“I’ve seen the power of community led initiatives on the local scale. And I firmly believe that what we need in federal politics is a community led movement to tackle our greatest challenges. That’s why I support Jagmeet Singh and the NDP.”

Jayaprakash has a master’s degree in computers and has been working in the North American high-tech industry for more than 20 years, his online bio shows.

He is an entrepreneur and founder of Cloverdale Robotics.

Jayaprakash has also been a volunteer math tutor for kids with learning disabilities.

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“Personally, as somebody who has worked in the technology domain for two decades, I see, on a daily basis, tremendous advancements in technologies in computers, robotics, and artificial intelligence,” Jayaprakash said.

“These advances and the economic boom they bring should lift everyone up, especially our working families. Current policy development is poor, nearly nonexistent in these areas. This is something I want to change!

Public transit is another issue that I feel very passionately about. I will work hard in promoting a rapid transit system for the entire lower mainland all the way to Abbotsford, aimed at enticing people to leave their cars at home!”

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