Ralph Roy and family pose beside the plaque near Fort Fraser Overhead bridge.

Ralph Roy and family pose beside the plaque near Fort Fraser Overhead bridge.

Fort Fraser plaque unveiled

The plaque sets in stone the commitment Ralph Roy has displayed over the years fighting for the community of Fort Fraser.

  • Aug. 19, 2013 8:00 p.m.

On August 16, a plaque was unveiled in Fort Fraser honouring the hard work and commitment of one man.

That man is Ralph Roy, a local who dedicated his time to working for his community. Roy is the elected representative for the regional district of Bulkley-Nechako. Director Ralph Roy has always been involved in the community. He coached hockey and was alderman for the village.

According to his daughter Nichole, Roy has worked tirelessly to build the Fort Fraser Overhead bridge. On the day of the unveiling, Roy’s family kept it a complete secret, he had brothers flying in from Ontario to be there, and when Roy finally reached the crowd of people gathered to celebrate him, the look of surprise was priceless.

Gerry Thiessen, mayor of Vanderhoof, and mayor of Fraser Lake, Dwayne Lindstrom, were in attendance at the unveiling. Thiessen said that although they may have voted in opposition on a few issues he has always respected Roy.

“We’ve always had a good relationship,” said Thiessen. “I am truly impressed by [Roy’s] commitment to this area.” Thiessen went on to describe how his father hauled gravel when a bridge was just getting built and then he told Roy “your grandchildren will know your commitment.

“They told me it wasn’t going to happen,” said Roy. “It’s been my pride and joy to watch this bridge being built.”

After the speeches the plaque was blessed and a copy of the plaque was given to Roy, who still could not believe how many people had come to celebrate him.


Vanderhoof Omineca Express