Forum scheduled to discuss possible changes to Golden schools

Rocky Mountain School District 6 is hosting a forum on Tuesday to discuss recommendations, including one that APES and LGES switch to K-7.

Alexander Park Elementary School could be switching to K-7 if the Board passes recommendations from the school district's Long Term Facility Plan.

Alexander Park Elementary School could be switching to K-7 if the Board passes recommendations from the school district's Long Term Facility Plan.

Parents of students Golden schools have been invited to a forum to discuss a Long Term Facility Plan that contains recommendations that could mean big changes for their kids.

The plan contains an enrolment and capacity analysis, which shows that Alexander Park and Lady Grey Elementary Schools could be better utilized with a couple changes.

“The report shows modestly increasing enrolment is expected, and there are space considerations in the coming years with the current configuration,” said School District 6 Superintendent Paul Carriere. “The analysis of where the students live shows that numbers would balance well between the two schools if the configuration were changed, and students would be able to attend their neighbourhood school from K-7 as is already the case with Nicholson students.”

In other words, to better match enrolment with the capacity at APES (currently Kindergarten to Grade 3) and LGES (currently Grade 4 to Grade 7), the report recommends that both schools switch to K-7.

A catchment area would be identified (the plan lays out three options) to determine which students would be attending APES, and which would attend LGES.

The report is a draft only, and Carriere says that input at this stage is welcome. Parents will have the opportunity to learn more and provide feedback at the meeting on Tuesday.

“The Board has the responsibility to finalize the plan later this year and will consider all the information it receives in the process. The plan involves recommendations for changes in all three zones of the School District, in Golden, Invermere and Kimberley,” said Carriere.

It is also recommended that LGES be the school to offer the Intensive French Program, therefore all Intensive French Program students would attend LGES regardless of their addresses.

Affected families as well as community members and early learning partners received an invitation to the forum, which is taking place on Tuesday Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. at the Learning Commons at Golden Secondary School.


Golden Star