The Goldstream Avenue roundabout fountain glows at night in this time-lapsed shot.

The Goldstream Avenue roundabout fountain glows at night in this time-lapsed shot.

Fountain fixup on tap in Langford

Little bit of Bellagio to be restored, city hopes by May long weekend

Langford’s bit of Bellagio should be back and bubbling by the end of May.

The popular fountain in the roundabout at Goldstream Avenue and Bryn Maur Road has been shut down since it was heavily damaged by a semi-trailer at the end of November.

Work has started on replacing the broken pipes and repairing the Fibreglas liner, said George Henshall, manager of public works for the City of Langford.

“The nice weather in February helped us move ahead on the repairs,” Henshall said. “The aim is to have it completed for the May long weekend.”

Replacement parts have been ordered and are expected by the end of April, he added.

The new fountain will be pretty much the same as the old one because of the scope of Insurance Corporation of British Columbia coverage, which will pay for the work.

Henshall estimates the cost of replacement parts and labour at $75,000 to $100,000.

Goldstream News Gazette