
Four active COVID-19 cases in Kimberley as of Friday, April 9

Mayor McCormick says he and all other EK mayors are advocating for opening up the vaccination process

Earlier this week, the latest COVID-19 numbers issued by the BCCDC for March 28 to April 3, 2021 showed no active cases in Kimberley. However, Mayor Don McCormick confirmed Friday that IH had informed him that there are now four active cases in Kimberley.

“Those figures are a week old. I was notified by Interior Health a few days ago that we had three active cases, which were connected through contact tracing,” he said. “Those three are in isolation. Today a fourth has come up. I don’t know if it is connected or not.”

Although this is the highest number of cases at once since the pandemic began, McCormick says Kimberley remains in decent shape. Until these latest cases, Kimberley had only had 19 cases reported since the pandemic began.

“Still it’s a good reminder,” he said. “Protocols work. They truly do. That’s why Kimberley has been blessed with low numbers of cases. So we need to keep doing what we’re doing.”

McCormick says his focus now is to advocate for opening up and speeding up the vaccination process. He says he and all other East Kootenay mayors are asking IH why the vaccinations aren’t expanding at a community level.

“The province expects business owners to pivot at a moment’s notice, why can’t the province pivot too?”

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Kimberley Bulletin