All of the candidates are from Nakusp. Photo: Kootenay Rockies

All of the candidates are from Nakusp. Photo: Kootenay Rockies

Four candidates outline their vision as next SD 10 school board trustee

A virtual all-candidates forum was held online due to the COVID-19 crisis

  • Sep. 3, 2020 12:00 a.m.

A virtual all-candidates forum took place on Aug. 31 to fill one empty school trustee seat in School District 10.

The forum took place online due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Steve Gascon, Aidan McLaren-Caux, and Carlee Hughes announced what they’d do if they had an opportunity to become the next trustee.

Judy Struck, the fourth and final candidate for the school trustee seat, was unable to attend the forum however provided written statements to a series of questions.

Gascon said his platform would be straightforward if he became the next school trustee.

“My platform is really two simple things — academics and people. I’d really like to see strong academics,” said Gascon.

“The reality is that if people can read, write and communicate well, they can do pretty much anything they want in this world.”

Gascon serves as a senior pastor for the Arrow Lakes Alliance Church, according to the church’s website.

Caux announced that he’d be the best trustee because of his life experience.

“I have twin girls who are going into the third grade at Nakusp Elementary School. When I think of this time in great transition with all of the things going on in the world, what this board needs is skilled and creative leadership to help navigate these uncertain times,” said Caux.

“I believe I can provide that. “

Caux is a village councillor and acts as a village representative for the Nakusp and Area Community Forest.

Hughes said she’d do whatever it takes to be a great trustee.

“This is an important year for great leaders in our school district,” said Hughes.

“As a trustee, I’d be prepared for the challenges that would lie ahead of me.”

Hughes experience includes being a fundraising coordinator for the Stepping Stones Children’s Centre and being a PAC member for both Nakusp Elementary School and Nakusp Secondary School.

Struck said she’d work with the board to provide financial accountability and to address health concerns brought on by the COVID-19 crisis.

Arrow Lakes residents can vote in the by-election at Nakusp Elementary School on Sept. 12 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

You must be 18 years or older, a Canadian citizen, a resident of British Columbia for at least six months before Sept. 12, and a resident or registered property owner in SD 10 for at least 30 days before Sept. 12 to vote in the election.

Arrow Lakes News