PIXABAY PHOTOGeneral voting will take place on Feb. 24 for the Port Alice byelection.

PIXABAY PHOTOGeneral voting will take place on Feb. 24 for the Port Alice byelection.

Four candidates running for councillor in the Port Alice byelection

A Town Hall with all candidates is set for Feb. 13.

  • Feb. 9, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Four candidates are running in the Port Alice byelection. After the resignation of Coun. Christine Martin in November, the Village will have to elected a councillor to serve the remaining term until municipal elections are held in October 2018. Port Alice residents Bruce Lloyd, Angela Yunker, Warren Beatty, and Susan Mohler are running for the position.

Meet the candidates:

Bruce Lloyd:

How long have you lived in Port Alice?

23 years.

Why did you decide to run?

I think council needs my perspective at this time. I think we need to be cautious and fiscally conservative at this time as a village.

Why do you think Port Alice residents should vote for you?

I think my experience at council – I worked under good leadership with good mayors and we accomplished a fair bit for the community including to helping reestablish the mill in 2006. The village was a big part of that. I was on council for for 10 years and I realize what you have to do and what you shouldn’t do. You can count on me to put my heart into the job.

Angela Yunker:

How long have you lived in Port Alice?

3 years

Why did you decide to run?

I’ve decided to run for council because I feel passionate about Port Alice. I would love to be a voice on council for families and youth opportunities and ensure we all have a future here.

Why do you think Port Alice residents should vote for you?

I believe people should vote for me because I believe the government should be open and transparent and I would like to encourage that at every opportunity. I also believe we need to diversify our town away from the mill and promote small business and new ideas. We also need to promote tourism and utilize what we have here.

Warren Beatty:

How long have you lived in Port Alice?

I have lived in Port Alice for five-and-a-half years.

Why did you decide to run?

I decided to run because I was approached by a number of residents who felt I would be an effective councillor.

Why do you think Port Alice residents should vote for you?

I believe that the residents of Port Alice should vote for me because I bring a wealth of experience gained through senior management/leadership positions over the years that can strengthen the current council.

Susan Mohler:

How long have you lived in Port Alice?

I retired to Port Alice in 2014.

Why did you decide to run?

I’ve spoken to a lot of people in the community and they are looking for change. They are looking for a stronger connection between government and the members of the community. I would like to work on making that happen, and I want to build a better conversation for the community.

Why do you think Port Alice residents should vote for you?

I hope people vote for me because I have demonstrated my commitment to the community and its future, and perhaps because I do not have a personal agenda nor conflict of interest scenario in my situation.

The candidates for the vacant Village Councillor position will hold a Town Hall meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the Larry Pepper Room.

Advanced voting, for qualified electors, will take place on Feb. 14 between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the Village Municipal Office on Marine Drive and General Voting will be open to qualified electors on Feb. 24 between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. and will take place at the municipal office. Registration for voters will take place at the time of voting.

To be eligible to vote in the byelection, electors must be 18 years of age, a Canadian citizen, a resident of BC, and a resident or registered property owner in the Village of Port Alice for at least 30 days immediately preceding the day of registration.

Resident electors must provide two pieces of identification including at least one with a signature. The identification must prove both residency and identity.

North Island Gazette