The March For Recognition leaves Fraser River Heritage Park. As the march proceeded along Lougheed Highway, four participants were struck by a vehicle. Mission RCMP are investigating / Kevin Mills Photo

The March For Recognition leaves Fraser River Heritage Park. As the march proceeded along Lougheed Highway, four participants were struck by a vehicle. Mission RCMP are investigating / Kevin Mills Photo

Four participants struck by vehicle during March For Recognition in Mission

March designed to raise awareness of former residential school children, RCMP investigating incident

Four people were struck by a vehicle this afternoon (June 4) during a march along Lougheed Highway.

Mission RCMP say two people were sent to hospital with minor injuries.

The march, called March For Recognition, was organized by the Crazy Indians Brotherhood, and was designed to raise awareness about children who attended residential schools

According to an RCMP media release, the walk was making its way from Heritage Park, eastbound along Lougheed Highway to the location of the former St Mary’s Residential School, when one impatient driver became upset at being slowed down by the walk.

“The driver struck approximately four people with his vehicle as he tried to pass the group, sending two to hospital with minor injuries. The driver did not remain at scene,” the press release states.

“It’s very fortunate that no one was seriously injured,” said Constable Harrison Mohr with Mission RCMP.

“At this time there is no indication that this incident was targeted, or that the driver’s actions had anything specifically to do with the people marching or their cause. While our investigation has only just begun, at this point this appears to be a case of someone being unhappy that their trip was slightly delayed, and took it upon themselves to endanger the lives of others to try to save a few minutes,” said Mohr.

No one is in custody at this time, however the RCMP says “thanks to numerous witnesses, police have identified the licence plate of the vehicle.”

Anyone with dashcam or cell phone video of the incident is asked to contact Mission RCMP: 604-826-7161. The highway is fully open at this time, and Mission RCMP’s Traffic Services officers are engaged in this investigation.