Lots at the South Surrey Recreation Centre are reserved for people arriving to attend the COVID-19 vaccination clinic. (Tracy Holmes photo)

Fraser Health to close South Surrey mass vaccination clinic

Heath authority moving to a 'hub' model as vaccination rate his 80%

With more than two million COVID-19 doses administered in the Fraser Health region, the health authority is closing mass vaccination clinics in the region, including one in South Surrey.

The final day of operation for the South Surrey Recreation Centre vaccination clinic is Aug. 8.

Fraser Health will transition into a “hub model,” which will turn the Guildford Recreation Centre into Surrey’s only mass immunization clinic.

“As new initiatives are underway and vaccine rates increase, it is a natural transition for the Provincial immunization program to move to new models as planned,” Fraser Health said in an information bulletin.

In Fraser Health, more than 80 per cent of all eligible people have been immunized with at least one dose and more than 60 per cent have received their second dose.

SEE ALSO: Beach-side vaccinations offered in South Surrey and at Cultus Lake

“Fraser Health is committed to ensuring everyone who wants to be protected against COVID-19 by being immunized has access to the vaccine. We continue to ramp up our pop-up clinics, mobile clinics, outreach clinics and community initiatives to meet people where they are congregating so access to vaccine is easy.”

Other hub clinics are to be held in the North Delta Recreation Centre, Poirier Forum in Coquitlam, North Delta Recreation Centre and Abbotsford Ag-Rec Centre.

People still seeking their first or second dose can do so at one of the four hubs, at a COVID-19 Testing and Immunization Centre, at a outreach or neighbourhood clinic, or one of Fraser Health’s community initiatives, such as beach-side immunization clinics.

For information on how to get vaccinated, visit https://www.fraserhealth.ca/health-topics-a-to-z/coronavirus/covid-19-vaccine#.YQw0G1NKjEY

Peace Arch News