Fraser Lake teacher elected as new councillor

Tyrel Ray is now elected as the newest member of Fraser Lake’s village council.

Tyrel Ray is now elected as the newest member of Fraser Lake’s village council.

Tyrel Ray is now elected as the newest member of Fraser Lake’s village council.

Tyrel Ray is now elected as the newest member of Fraser Lake’s village council.

The Nechako Lakes school district teacher defeats runner-up Garry Watson with 107 out of 175 total votes.

Ray will be replacing former Councillor Kerry Jantz, who recently moved from the community.

“I would like to thank the voters of Fraser Lake for participating in this by-election,” Ray said. “I appreciate your support and look forward to representing you.

“I would also like to acknowledge both Garry Watson and Mark Lacerte; thank you for participating in this by-election and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.

“I am eager to work with Mayor Lindstrom and the members of Council. I also look forward to working with the Stellat’en and Nadleh Whut’en First Nation communities as they are an essential part of our community’s fabric.

“I am filled with excitement and will be focusing on helping our community prosper. I want to ensure local businesses are successful and that our seniors and youth are valued.”

Fraser Lake’s village council, led by mayor Dwayne Lindstrom, now consists of councillors Sarrah Storey, Craig Lepoidevin, Don Reyden, and Tyrel Ray. The next council meeting will take place on Nov. 23.


Vanderhoof Omineca Express