Amber Price of Chilliwack was one of more than 30 B.C. citizens to receive a Medal of Good Citizenship. (Amber Price/Facebook)

Amber Price of Chilliwack was one of more than 30 B.C. citizens to receive a Medal of Good Citizenship. (Amber Price/Facebook)

Fraser Valley woman receives B.C. Medal of Good Citizenship

Amber Price of Chilliwack says she’s ‘deeply humbled and honoured’ to be recipient

A Chilliwack woman was recognized by the Province of British Columbia this week.

Amber Price was one of more than 30 people in B.C. who received a 2021 Medal of Good Citizenship on Thursday, March 24.

Price said she was “deeply humbled and honoured” to be one of the recipients.

“There are so many people who give so much in our province, I can’t believe that I got recognized out of all of the amazing people working so hard for a better future,” she said. “It is the second highest honour bestowed upon B.C.’s citizens.”

The Medal of Good Citizenship is given to outstanding citizens of B.C. for their contributions to their communities without expectation of remuneration or reward. The medal reflects their generosity, service, acts of selflessness and contributions to community life.

For 2021, the medal focussed exclusively on recognizing people who have gone above and beyond in their efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Melanie Mark, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport, and chair of the medal’s selection committee (right) congratulates Amber Price of Chilliwack who was one of more than 30 B.C. citizens to receive a Medal of Good Citizenship. Chilliwack MLA Dan Coulter (left) presented Price with the medal on Thursday, March 24, 2022. (Screen grab/ Province of British Columbia)

Melanie Mark, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport, and chair of the medal’s selection committee (right) congratulates Amber Price of Chilliwack who was one of more than 30 B.C. citizens to receive a Medal of Good Citizenship. Chilliwack MLA Dan Coulter (left) presented Price with the medal on Thursday, March 24, 2022. (Screen grab/ Province of British Columbia)

Chilliwack MLA Dan Coulter presented the medal to her via a virtual ceremony.

“As a downtown Chilliwack business owner, Amber Price has inspired others to join her in several projects to address pertinent needs and enhance community pride, vibrancy and acceptance,” Coulter said.

Over the years, she has organized crews to help cleanup garbage in the streets of Chilliwack’s historic downtown, pushed for city funding, crowd sourced money for murals, co-organized the collection of 8,000 bottles of water and more for vulnerable folks during the summer heatwave, and started fundraising for bike helmets to ensure all kids could safely use the new public pump track. She organized a community delivery of thousands of dollars of donated gift cards, gift baskets and snacks for hospital healthcare workers to show appreciation for their dedication.

“In her store Amber has hung rainbow flags and promoted the October Purple Lights campaign to raise awareness of domestic violence,” reads the writeup on the Province of B.C.’s website. “Amber is inspiring Chilliwack to embrace diversity and inclusion through her rainbow crosswalk initiative after city hall’s bylaw denied one. Her same progressive and positive attitude is one that she shares on the boards she is on.”

“I dedicate my medal to all those who strive for brighter, more connected, inclusive, positive, vibrant communities. We are truly better together,” Price said.

Only one other person in Chilliwack has been awarded a Medal of Good Citizenship since it was launched in 2015. John Simpson was honoured with the medal for his pioneering services that he offered free to people with acquired brain injuries. When he was handed the medal, it was estimated he provided more than 16,000 hours of free support to individuals with acquired brain injuries and their families since the 1980s.

READ MORE: Medal of Good Citizenship for Chilliwack advocate John Simpson


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