Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWSDr. Adrian Walton checks the health of Ruckus, a bullmastiff Rhodesian ridgeback, at the Anita Place Homeless Camp on Wednesday. See video @

Colleen Flanagan/THE NEWSDr. Adrian Walton checks the health of Ruckus, a bullmastiff Rhodesian ridgeback, at the Anita Place Homeless Camp on Wednesday. See video @

Free checkups for Anita Place pets in Maple Ridge

Two dogs received free veterinarian care from Dr. Adrian Walton of the Dewdney Animal Hospital.

Two dogs at the Anita Place Homeless Camp received free checkups thanks to a local veterinarian.

Dr. Adrian Walton of the Dewdney Animal Hospital went to the camp Tuesday afternoon to offer his services to any pets living there.

Adrian Walton

Ruckus, a bullmastiff Rhodesian ridgeback, and Tikki, a Yorkshire terrier, were examined for their general health and given vaccinations.

“Dr. Walton’s show of support is priceless to them. Especially with the current climate in the community,” said homeless supporter and advocate Chris Bossley, who organized for Dr. Walton to make the camp visit.

“It gave them a great deal of piece of mind to learn that their pets were relatively healthy,” she added.

The owner of Ruckus was concerned about his pet because it had developed a limp.

Dr. Walton was able to assure him that it was probably nothing serious and suggested he ice the leg and give it half a Tylenol for pain control.

Tikki will have to get some teeth extracted.

Dr. Walton will be offereing a 30 per cent discount for the surgery, which will cost Tikki’s owner between $500 and $800.

Bossley plans to organize a fundraiser.

Dr. Walton returned to the camp Wednesday afternoon to finish the vaccinations.

Maple Ridge News