The free income tax service for low income earners in Greater Trail will run from March 2 to April 30 with pandemic protocols in place. Photo: Scott Graham on Unsplash

Free tax service returns for Greater Trail limited income earners

COVID-19 protocols must be adhered to

With pandemic protocols in place and pencils sharpened, number crunchers with CVITP (Community Volunteer Income Tax Program) are getting ready to provide free income tax completion for low income earners living in Greater Trail.

“With COVID still a threat, we have modified our procedures so that we can all stay safe,” volunteer Ellen Vallie told the Trail Times. “We will set up our locations with COVID safety protocols in place and the volunteers will have very limited contact with clients.”

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Modified drop-off clinics for the 2020 tax year will run from March 2 to April 30 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

On Tuesdays, the clinics will be held in the Trail United Church. The last interview day will be April 20, and the final pick up date, April 27.

Wednesdays until April 21, volunteers will be at the Trail Legion, located on Columbia Avenue in East Trail. The last pick up date will be April 28.

Volunteers then move to the Waneta Mall on Thursdays until April 22. The clinic will be set up in the former Reitman’s clothing store locale. The last pick up day, April 29.

Vallie reminds all clients that they must present a valid photo ID.

Each person will fill out their own questionnaire with all pertinent information, a volunteer will review it for completeness and collect the tax information slips. The volunteer will complete the tax prep during the week and the client must pick it up one week after drop off.

Clients may pick up the questionnaire ahead of time at the F.A.I.R. building, located at 2079 Columbia Ave. in East Trail.

Annual income maximums apply, such as a single-person cannot earn more than $35,000; two-person households cannot exceed $45,000; however, families greater than two are permitted $2,500 for each additional person.

Vallie reminds clients to bring all essential documents and receipts to the interview. A copy of the previous year’s return and/or the CRA Notice of Assessment for the previous year are also helpful.

Anyone accessing this service is advised there are COVID-19 precautions that must be adhered to.

Those include: using the hand sanitizing station on entry; clients must be wearing a mask; clients must sign-in on entry so there is a record for contact tracing; and social distancing of six feet is required.

Clients who cannot wear a mask will be provided an option of virtual tax completion. COVID screening questions will be asked and if a client replies affirmative to any question, that person will be advised they cannot enter and should self-monitor and consider getting evaluated for COVID-19 testing.

Previous: CVITP welcomed in Greater Trail

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