Free vaccinations available in November

Flu shots protect not only vaccinated but others around them

  • Oct. 30, 2014 8:00 p.m.

Flu season is on the way and Interior Health (IH) is gearing up to help protect children, pregnant women, seniors, people with chronic illnesses, and others who are most at risk from influenza (flu) and its complications.

Influenza is a significant illness that, at minimum, can make people quite sick for several days. People with influenza can also spread the virus to others who are at greater risk.

For those with heart, lung, and other health problems, influenza can cause severe complications and even death. The Public Health Agency of Canada estimates that every year about 3,500 Canadians die from influenza complications.

Influenza is often confused with less severe viruses that cause common colds or stomach flu (vomiting and diarrhea). There are no vaccines for these milder viruses.

The influenza vaccine provides protection from the influenza virus strains expected to be circulating in the coming flu season based on flu trends worldwide. This year’s vaccine contains three different flu strains including the H1N1 strain which was the predominant strain last year.

The flu shot is safe, effective, and free for those at risk of complications from influenza and those in contact with people at risk.

See the advertisement for clinic sites, dates and times on page A24.

Not eligible

People, who are not eligible for the free flu vaccine through the public program, can get a flu shot for a fee at physician’s offices, local pharmacies, walk-in clinics, travel clinics, and other private providers.

For more information, contact your local public health centre or visit the IH website at

Flu Information Line – 250-395-7637.


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