Friday was FLIR day in Chilliwack

Convergys employees had a chance to check out thermal imaging and infrared equipment on display at the former Stream site in Chilliwack.

Roy Malmberg, director of FLIR mobile training unit program, and Convergys site director Mike Robinson, check out some of the latest thermal imaging technology on Friday.

Roy Malmberg, director of FLIR mobile training unit program, and Convergys site director Mike Robinson, check out some of the latest thermal imaging technology on Friday.

Free coffee was being served to anyone taking a tour of high-tech toys in the FLIR trailer last Friday.

More than 160 Convergys employees checked out the thermal imaging and infrared camera equipment on display at the former Stream site in Chilliwack.

Convergys Chilliwack, formerly Stream Global Services, recently partnered with FLIR — world leaders in infrared and thermal imaging technology — to provide technical support to its clientele.

It was “FLIR Day” in Chilliwack on May 30, said Convergys site director Mike Robinson.

That opportunity saw dozens of Chilliwack employees streaming out the back doors of the call centre to visit the mobile training unit and get some training on the sophisticated FLIR equipment.

The thermal imaging and infrared cameras are used all over the world by security forces, fire departments and home inspectors, for example.

What is a little different about this new client of theirs is that FLIR was open to sharing information publicly about their business relationship with Convergys — which isn’t always the case with outsourced customer management services.

The largest local employer in the area, now with a new name, has celebrated 13 years in Chilliwack. Inviting the media to tag along on a tour was a way to offer a peek “behind the curtain” at Convergys, said  Robinson.

“FLIR is one of our newest clients,” he explained, adding that they have established a dedicated FLIR team. “They’re great partners and they’ve been happy to share the work we’re doing for them.”

About 50 local employees will be supporting FLIR on the dedicated team and they are planning for additional growth in the second half of 2014.

“We view Convergys as the best customer service provider in the business,” said FLIR mobile training unit coordinator Shawn Jepson. “That’s why we partnered with them, and we’re proud of that partnership.”

The mobile unit that was parked in Chilliwack last week was one of four used by the company to showcase its product line in over 9000 training sessions. FLIR had $1.4 billion in sales in 2013, said officials.

Convergys Corp. announced its $820 million acquisition of Stream Global Services in March.

Chilliwack Progress