Friends rally for young Cowichan Valley crash victim, family

Friends and loved ones have been gathering around the family of Amber Lynn Ferguson

Amber Lynn Ferguson, centre, loves to dance and her dance school friends have choreographed a special number for their upcoming Christmas show.

Amber Lynn Ferguson, centre, loves to dance and her dance school friends have choreographed a special number for their upcoming Christmas show.

Friends and loved ones have been gathering around the family of Amber Lynn Ferguson, who was injured Tuesday evening, Nov. 16 when she and her caregiver were involved in an accident in a crosswalk in Duncan.

A special gofundme ( page has been set up to help the family while the girl recovers from her injuries and the multiple surgeries that have followed.

Amber Lynn was air lifted to Vancouver Children’s Hospital following the accident and at that time was being kept unconscious and on breathing equipment.

According to that fundraising page, she had multiple fractures and other injuries that are still being determined.

Family and friends were all praying for her and her family, and sharing their concern on Facebook throughout the week, with comments like “Amber Lynn’s parents need to be with her through her healing process. Financial needs are immediate and ongoing to help with travel costs and lost wages.”

Khowhemun Elementary School and her dance school (Judy Hogg’s Celtic Rhythm Dancers) then stepped up.

By Monday night Nov. 21, word was spreading that Amber Lynn was out of the ICU but still in a lot of pain.

Her mom, Michelle Burr, shared, “It’s absolutely devastating to see her like this. But she will get better. My heart is straight up broken for her but she is alive and seems to be herself. Oh my goodness words will never be enough to express the love and gratitude that we hold in our hearts for all of you! The love and support from so many people both inside and outside of our community has been unbelievable! Overwhelming and heart warming. Just knowing so many people have fallen in love with our daughter as much as we have fills my heart to bursting! I love all of you so much!

“Our little girl is a force of life, love, and happiness and if you have met her you don’t forget her. We can’t wait to actually be able to hug her, feel her in our arms and look in her beautiful blue eyes and yes even hear her tell us what’s what. I love you! Thank you so much for your support.”

Judy Hogg posted on Wednesday, the day after the accident, “Our studio is like a family. Let’s see if we can pull together like we always do and help one of ours.”

The response was amazing, she said Sunday, “Our senior classes at the studio have choreographed a special dance for Amber Lynn and they will perform it at the Christmas show [at the Cowichan Performing Arts Centre] on Dec. 3. The class will accept donations for Amber’s family in the theatre lobby at intermission. We will miss her not being in the show this Christmas and hope that she will be back soon. When we got the news [about the accident], I was at the studio. The senior Highland class immediately responded with: ‘We have to choreograph a dance for our Christmas show’.”

Cowichan Valley Citizen