

From the archives of the 100 Mile Free Press

Today in history at the 100 Mile Free Press...

40 YEARS AGO (1980): The trustees of School District 27 decided to proceed with plans and drawings for a school band facility on the grounds of Peter Skene Ogden Senior Secondary School. At a board meeting trustees approved a proposal to proceed with the plans for the band facility without disregarding the idea of a performing arts centre being proposed for the school. A committee to study the possibility of constructing a multipurpose performing arts centre at the school had been established in the month prior. The committee was assessing the needs of several organizations.

32 YEARS AGO (1988): The Cariboo Regional District (CRD), after issuing warnings for years, authorized a bylaw officer to begin proceedings against a number of Cariboo residents who refused to clean up their properties. Names weren’t being released but there were apparently two local properties in question. If convicted, residents were liable to fines up to $2,000 or a jail sentence of up to 30 days. Local director Alan Boyd said a few convictions might convince those reluctant land owners to tidy their property. The public will see CRD laws “aren’t as toothless as they’ve been made out to be,” said Boyd.

24 YEARS AGO (1996): Local rower, Theresa Luke, was officially going to the Olympics. Luke and the rest of her woman’s eights team were given the green light by the Canadian Olympic Association (COA) to compete the following month. “Barring I break my leg or something like that,” she laughed from training camp in London, Ont. The team had qualified months ago in the eyes of the sport’s governing body and all that was needed was for the COA to OK the trip to Atlanta. Luke missed out on the pairs event. “Right now, I’m just happy to be in the eight and it’s doing well which is great.”

17 YEARS AGO (2003): The South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce and the 100 Mile House Retail Association decided that a merger was in the best interest of both groups. “We’ve agreed we want to do it,” announced Doug Steven, president of the chamber. “We just haven’t figured out how.” Both organizations had suffered from dwindling membership. The chamber had had as many as 350 members but sat at 167. Merchants association president Ken Thomas said he didn’t have exact figures but believed his group had about 60 members. The merger wasn’t expected to happen until 2004.

9 YEARS AGO (2011): The Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre (CFEC) announced that it would be operating a fully licensed child care program in 100 Mile House. “The CFEC board felt strongly that we had a duty to the community to open a daycare following the gap in services for children and families that will result from the annnounced closure of the 100 Mile Day Care,” said CFEC executive director Lisa De Paoli. She said staff were “very excited” about the chance to boost the childcare options in the community.

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