A photograph of part of the front page of the Haida Gwaii Observer newspaper that was distributed on Thursday, August 21, 1980. (Haida Gwaii Observer file)

A photograph of part of the front page of the Haida Gwaii Observer newspaper that was distributed on Thursday, August 21, 1980. (Haida Gwaii Observer file)

From the archives of the Haida Gwaii Observer

50 YEARS AGO (1970): A car owned by Mrs. Jeanne Karlson of Queen Charlotte was stolen early Saturday, Aug. 15. Joyriders apparently rolled the vehicle down the hillside driveway before starting it on the highway. Later the care side-swiped a vehicle driven by Mathew Williams Jr., causing damage to both vehicles. It was then abandoned in the ditch at Skidegate Landing. Investigations were continuing.

  • Aug. 23, 2020 12:00 a.m.

50 YEARS AGO (1970): A car owned by Mrs. Jeanne Karlson of Queen Charlotte was stolen early Saturday, Aug. 15. Joyriders apparently rolled the vehicle down the hillside driveway before starting it on the highway. Later the care side-swiped a vehicle driven by Mathew Williams Jr., causing damage to both vehicles. It was then abandoned in the ditch at Skidegate Landing. Investigations were continuing.

40 YEARS AGO (1980): In conversation with a very positive and enthusiastic Ken Saunders (Cinola president), it was to learn that things were coming right along at the Graham Island mine site. Consolidated Cinola crew had a site cleared for the “pilot mill” said Mr. Saunders, and the half-million dollar structure would be going up very soon. The contractors were readying the cement foundation work for the permanent but multi-purpose building. Mr. Saunders explained that once the mine operation was past the pilot project stage and into the full production then the pilot mill would be adapted for use as a maintenance shop for the big ore trucks.

30 YEARS AGO (1990): A provincial court judge acquitted two Haida people yesterday of three fisheries charges, and ruled that Fisheries and Oceans licensing policy infringes on aboriginal rights. Judge D. M. Waurynchuk found that the Department of Fisheries and Oceans ‘arbitrary decisions’ on licensing, limit, and size of family were made without consultation with native groups. The departments’ objective, the judge said, was “…preventing ‘k’waa’ (gow) from entering the commercial market.”

20 YEARS AGO (2000): An exciting mix of ancient and modern instruments, many never seen outside museums, was set to be on display and used in performance by Lauren Pelon at a unique concert at the Queen Charlotte and Port Clements community halls. The program was to feature lute, shawm, hurdy-gurdy, Kiowa courting flute and other antique instruments as well as vocals, and modern synthesizers and windcontrollers.

ALSO READ: From the archives of the Haida Gwaii Observer

Do you have something to add to this story or something else we should report on? Email:karissa.gall@blackpress.ca.

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