Brayden Blink joined the Rockets mid-season and has been an important leader on their defensive end. (Bill Pringle Photography)

Brayden Blink joined the Rockets mid-season and has been an important leader on their defensive end. (Bill Pringle Photography)

From the Launchpad: Brayden Blink

Brayden Blink will be looking to help his team to the playoffs with a handful of games left.

  • Feb. 13, 2020 12:00 a.m.

With a strong, physical presence, Brayden Blink has been defending the back end of his team with a defence first mindset that helps control the defensive zone and leads the penalty kill.

Coming to the Rockets mid-way through the season from the Yorkton Terriers of the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League, Blink has laced up his skates 18 times for the Rockets so far this year, scoring three goals and notching an assists to boot as a defenceman.

His most recent goal came against Fernie on Jan. 25, where he earned second star honours in a 5-2 loss on the road.

He also contributed an assist on the Rockets lone goal of the game on Feb. 9, what ended up being a 5-1 loss at the hands of the Kelowna Chiefs.

The Rockets are currently sitting just outside of the playoffs, with seven points and four more games sitting between them and the final spot in the post-season.

Blink will be trying to help his team over the hump and pass Creston down the stretch, as the team makes one final push to close out February.

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For Blink, his favourite part about hockey comes in the dressing room and being with the team.

The relationships created in the dressing room helps make a team closer, which translates to on ice success.

Blink believes that the time spent on the bus while the arena was closed was actually a blessing in disguise, bringing his teammates closer along the way.

Originally hailing from Sherwood Park, Alta., he looks up to Connor McDavid of the Edmonton Oilers.

As an Edmonton area kid himself, he considers McDavid one of the most fun players to watch in the league.

He also looks up to defenders such as himself, citing Brent Burns of the San Jose Sharks as one of his favourite players as well, admiring his style of play and the fact he doesn’t care what others in the league think of him.

While he’s far from home, Blink loves playing in Golden. The support the team gets from the community and the fans at their games create an atmosphere that’s hard to beat.

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Despite loving Golden, if he could live anywhere in the world right now, he would choose Sydney, Australia.

Having visited there a few years ago, Blink says he loves the scenery and wildlife and enjoys the hot weather year-round.

Outside of hockey, Blink enjoys watching football, because he used to play for nine years, winning a few championships along the way.

One of the toughest choices he has ever had to make came when he had to decide which sport he would rather pursue. While he doesn’t regret the choice, he will always have a love for the game.

When his hockey career is over, he plans to go to school with the hopes of becoming an accountant or investment banker, or something in that area.

When it’s time to relax, a nice hot tub before bed does the trick, with Netflix and laying in bed coming in a close second.

Golden Star