From the Seniors’ Centre

It's hard to believe, but the summer hiatus at the Ashcroft and District Seniors' Centre is almost at an end.

Where have the last two months gone? It seems as if it was only last week that we were closing for the summer, and now it is almost September again!

I want to remind you all that our seniors’ centre will re-open on Tuesday, September 6 at 12:30 p.m. for carpet bowling, followed by coffee, tea, and goodies at 2 p.m., and then card games. Bridge during this week will be on Wednesday the 7th instead of Monday.  We welcome back all our friends from earlier in the year, and would be most pleased to see new friends coming to check us out and joining in our fun!

The calendar is the same as previously: Monday (bridge); Tuesday (carpet bowling and cards); closed Wednesday; Thursday (men’s games); Friday (carpet bowling and cards); Saturday (bingo); closed Sunday.

There is a business meeting on the third Thursday of each month, with a potluck lunch followed by the meeting.

One of the most interesting things this summer was a consultation discussion group held on August 18. Several visiting authorities led a two-hour review of the health care situation in our area, and the very driven organizers of the Wellness and Health Action Coalition gave enthusiastic presentations to them. How David and Ron find time to sleep and eat when they do so much research and communication‚ boggles the mind! They and the rest of our WHAC committee are to be commended for their commitment and determination to get us back to a more stable method of health care and delivery. I would urge everyone to join WHAC and attend the meetings to give them your input. We are so fortunate to have such dedicated proponents speaking up on our behalf.

If you have any new ideas about what we can do to keep us active, please come and air them. Everyone is welcome to come and share, and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday afternoon, all geared up and ready to go, so do pop in to visit!

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal