Three visitors from the Trinidad and Tobago’s Youth Training and Employment Partnership Program (YTEPP) toured VIU facilities in Nanaimo and Parksville last week to learn about VIU’s Esthetics and Hairdressing certificate programs. The group also toured Tigh-Na-Mara’s Grotta Spa. Standing, from left, are VIU grad and Grotto Spa employee Genna Brooks, Nigel Forgenie and Grotto Spa director Paulina Alexander. Seated are Carolyn Gloudon and Donna Scoon-Moses.

Three visitors from the Trinidad and Tobago’s Youth Training and Employment Partnership Program (YTEPP) toured VIU facilities in Nanaimo and Parksville last week to learn about VIU’s Esthetics and Hairdressing certificate programs. The group also toured Tigh-Na-Mara’s Grotta Spa. Standing, from left, are VIU grad and Grotto Spa employee Genna Brooks, Nigel Forgenie and Grotto Spa director Paulina Alexander. Seated are Carolyn Gloudon and Donna Scoon-Moses.

From Trinidad to Tigh-Na-Mara

Three visitors from the Trinidad and Tobago's Youth Training and Employment Partnership Program toured VIU facilities in Parksville

  • Feb. 18, 2014 11:00 a.m.

Vancouver Island University says it is building international ties with Trinidad and Tobago.

Three visitors from the Trinidad and Tobago’s Youth Training and Employment Partnership Program (YTEPP) toured VIU facilities in Nanaimo and Parksville last  week to learn about VIU’s Esthetics and Hairdressing certificate programs.

“They are touring our facilities with a view towards setting up a cosmetology training center in Trinidad,” said Meg Savory of VIU’s Faculty of International Education. “We’re very excited about the opportunity to share our knowledge with our new international partners.”

Thursday, the visitors toured VIU’s Professional Esthetics Certificate program, offered at VIU’s Parksville Centre on Jensen Avenue for the past five years. They also visited Tigh-Na-Mara Resort and Seaside Spa in Parksville where VIU Esthetic grads have landed jobs.

“We often hire VIU grads,” said spa director Paulina Alexander. “In fact, I can’t wait for April when the next group of students graduate from VIU’s Esthetics program.”

Carolyn Gloudon, Director of Youth Training for the YTEPP in Trinidad, said she and her colleagues are “very impressed with VIU facilities and the quality of the Hairdressing and Esthetics programs.”

Savory, along with Lesley Osborne, Chair of the Esthetics program and Sally Vinden, Chair of the Hairdressing program, visited educational representatives in Trinidad last spring to discuss setting up the new three-year partnership.

“This is a great chance to highlight VIU and Vancouver Island showing our Caribbean partners what great place in which we live, work and study. It’s a rewarding experience for all involved.”

The partnership project is funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, and administered by the Association of Canadian Community Colleges.

— Submitted by VIU

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