Full house at Vavenby townhall meeting

The attendees were asked if they wanted the next four years of taxation from the industrial site to be locked into going to this park

Carol Schaffer is TNRD director for Wells Gray Country (Area A).

Carol Schaffer is TNRD director for Wells Gray Country (Area A).

Robyn Rexin

There was a community meeting at the Vavenby Community Hall on Wednesday evening, Jan. 28. It was a full house.

First, introductions were made by Carol Schaffer, the newly elected TNRD representative for Wells Gray Country (Area A). Then project updates were discussed.

The first update was about the Vavenby water system. Schaffer explained that there is no time-line for when it will get done.

The second project was the firehall. A new furnace has been put in. There are plans to put on a 20×40 addition to accommodate another firetruck. There is hope that the addition will start in the spring.

Vavenby Community Park and the Vavenby transfer funds were discussed next.

The transfer funds are money raised by District of Clearwater from the industrial site in Vavenby (Canfor mill and the former Weyerhaeuser mill site) and transferred to the community of Vavenby.

New gravel is to be put under the swing set at the community park – $20,000 from the transfer funds has been allotted to this park, plus other money, bringing the total to $74,000. Suggestions came up on how to use this money.

The attendees were asked, by a show of hands, if they wanted the next four years of taxation from the industrial site to be locked into going to this park. It was voted down.

Schaffer then asked where the residents would like the money to go. There were four suggestions:

1. put gates on the Vavenby Riverside Park and designate it as a dog park;

2. put in a portable toilet at the new park;

3. look at putting a light outside the fence entrance to the hall; and

4. put lights at the railroad crossing.

The TNRD is putting new gates on the rink.

After the updates there was a question and answer time.

The Vavenby Parks Committee was introduced last. Members are Jessica Toscano, Kathryn Crystall, Isaac Moilliet, Judy Alexander, and Robin Graffunder.

The Vavenby meeting was the first of three planned by Schaffer for the near term. A second was held on Monday evening in Blackpool Hall and a third was held on Wednesday evening in Upper Clearwater Hall.

Look for reports on the second and third meetings in a future issue of the Times.

Additional meetings in East Blackpool and Birch Island will be held in the spring.


Clearwater Times