Fund set up to help burned woman

A GoFundMe account has been created for Tammy McDonald, who is recovering after sustaining severe burns from a grass-fire accident.

A GoFundMe account has been set up for Cranbrook resident Tammy McDonald, who was badly burned after a grass-fire accident.

A GoFundMe account has been set up for Cranbrook resident Tammy McDonald, who was badly burned after a grass-fire accident.

A Cranbrook woman is recovering from severe burns after a grass-fire accident on her property last week.

Tammy McDonald was tending a controlled fire when a lighter fluid bottle exploded in the grass beside her, engulfing her in flames.

She suffered first- and third-degree burns covering 50 per cent of her body and is on a ventilator because of the smoke inhalation. Doctors say McDonald will need skin grafts from her elbows to her fingertips due to the severity of the burns, which with a six-month estimated recovery time.

A GoFundMe account has been set up by family friends to help cover the medical costs of treatment.

“The plan is to fly her to Vancouver today and get her set up with the burn specialists there,” according to a post on the account. ” She faces an at least 6-month healing process, and probably longer. Vancouver is expensive, so let’s keep this trail a’rolling! Thanks so much for your support and help! It means so much!”

To donate to the McDonald’s medical expenses, visit the GoFundMe account at:





Cranbrook Daily Townsman