Kootenay-Columbia MP Rob Morrison speaks during Question Period in the House of Commons.

Kootenay-Columbia MP Rob Morrison speaks during Question Period in the House of Commons.

Funding available for summer student employment: Morrison

Kootenay-Columbia MP encouraging eligible organizations to apply to Canada Summer Jobs program

Kootenay-Columbia MP Rob Morrison is encouraging employers to apply for funding through the Canada Summer Jobs program, which helps create employment for summer students.

As of Jan. 31, applications are now being accepted through the program, according to Morrison.

“I encourage not-for-profit organizations, public-sector employers and small businesses in Kootenay-Columbia to apply for funding through the Canada Summer Jobs program”, Morrison said. “Helping young Canadians develop their skills and gain valuable workplace experience will ensure a strong economy and a healthy middle class.”

Eligible organizations include small businesses with up to 50 employees, not-for-profit organizations and public sector employers. The program is designed to create summer job opportunities and provide work experience for youth from 15-30 years of age.

Applications will be accepted until Feb. 24.

For more information, including a full description of the program’s national priorities, and to apply, please visit the website or stop by a Service Canada Centre.

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