Fundraiser shifts gears in light of tragedy

Garage sale in the works to aid Japan disaster

Scarlette Lexington at an earlier fundraising event. Garage sale proceeds will go to the Red Cross.

Scarlette Lexington at an earlier fundraising event. Garage sale proceeds will go to the Red Cross.

The Passion for Compassion group hoping to collect relief supplies for Japan, as they did for Haiti, has shifted gears.

“After recent information obtained through the Red Cross and various media, we will be doing something completely different due to the impracticality of  sending anything other than cash money to Japan’s relief effort,” said group founder Scarlette Lexington.

They hope to hold The Great Canadian Community Garage Sale and are challenging other communities to do the same to raise the money for the victims of the disaster in Japan.

“Many people don’t have any cash to part with, but they certainly have a lot of ‘stuff’ to part with,” she said.

At this stage they are looking for help in all areas from a good venue for a large event, to the donation of items (pre-priced if possible) and volunteers to help organize and run the event — set for the first weekend of April.

All funds will go to the Japanese relief efforts of respected charities like the Red Cross and Care Canada.

Contact Lexington at 250-586-6454.


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