Fundraisers are being held to help Kristal Mayo (right) and her family, husband Justin (left) and daughter Kourtlyn (middle) after Kristal underwent emergency brain surgery last week. (Facebook)

Fundraisers being held to assist Lake Cowichan’s Kristal Mayo and family

Long-time community volunteer has undergone emergency brain surgery

The community in Lake Cowichan is coming together to help one of its own.

Kristal Mayo, a long-time volunteer for a number of organizations in the Lake Cowichan area, was diagnosed with brain and colon cancer on Aug. 24 and underwent emergency brain surgery last week in a Victoria hospital.

She is now recovering from the operation and surrounded by family members, including husband Dustin and young daughter Kourtlyn.

Stephen Nahirnick, who has known Mayo since they were children, said his friend’s medical condition came as a surprise to those that know her, and they are rallying to help her and her family.

“Kristal is involved with the Mesachie Group, is a charter member of the local Kinette Club, an organizer for the Cody Classic baseball tournament and is involved with so many other organizations that I can’t keep count,” Nahirnick said.

“She has also been involved with fundraisers to help other people in similar situations in the community for at least 10 years, and now we’re going to help her.”

Nahirnick said a number of Mayo’s friends and colleagues have set up Facebook page, called “Love for Kristal” which can be found at, and several fundraisers are being organized that are listed there, along with contact information.

The Facebook page says items for silent and live auctions are needed, as well as empty bottles and cans for bottle drives, among other materials.

“Let’s show this family what we can do; as you all know they’ve been there for so many people and are the most selfless, genuine and caring people in our Valley,” it says on Facebook.

Nahirnick encourages everyone to step up and help the family.

“Obviously, Kristal can’t work right now and her husband Dustin will likely take a leave of absence from his work to be at her side, so we’re trying to raise funds to cover their expenses during this most difficult time,” he said.

robert.barron@cowichanvalleycitizen.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Lake Cowichan Gazette