Further input sought for growth strategy

Planners and consultants will go back to the public once again to gain more input about the options for Summerland’s future.

Planners and consultants will go back to the public once again to gain more input about the options for Summerland’s future.

Municipal planner Ian McIntosh said the public survey will be reopened on Sept. 13 . It will be available online and at municipal hall.

Comments will be accepted until Oct. 15.

An open house will be held on Oct. 10 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Arena Banquet Room.

The comments received from the last public consultation period have been reviewed.

“We’ve done quite a lot of analysis since the last public exercises,” McIntosh said.

He explained that the consultants and municipal representatives spent a month and a half examining the details which came up from the comments.

Consultants are also working to put together an interactive map to show the areas of the community people should consider depending on the criteria they value.

The lengthy process in getting the feedback is important, McIntosh said.

“We needed some strong, objective, scientific data,” he said.

Because the future growth strategy is complex and controversial, the reasons for the decisions must be defendable, he said.

The project should be completed by the end of February.


Summerland Review