Future of Cultus Lake will be under discussion at open house on Oct. 19.

Future of Cultus Lake will be under discussion at open house on Oct. 19.

Future of Cultus under discussion at open house

Public input sought for the Cultus Lake Official Community and Park Plan at an open house in the community hall set for Saturday, October 19

How does the community envision Cultus Lake Park years from now?

Public input is being sought for the Cultus Lake Official Community and Park Plan at an open house set for Saturday, October 19 starting at noon at Cultus Lake Community Hall.

“The plan will guide the future of Cultus Lake Park,” explained Jeff Bahnman, GM of Cultus Lake Golf Club, and member of the Future Plan Advisory Committee. “So feedback from the public is vital.”

The planning process is about more than just deciding where the new houses or businesses will be built in the park.

“We’re also trying to protect the future of Cultus, which means the water as well as the land. It’s about making it sustainable.”

Cultus Lake Park Board has been working with Fraser Valley Regional District, and the advisory committee, to develop a new OCPP for Cultus Lake Park.

The document will guide decision-making and land-use in general, as well as incorporating the input of various stakeholders.

“The goal of the open house is for people to come share ideas about the plan,” he said.

Cultus Lake Park is known for its beautiful beaches, and camping and water slides, but it’s so much more.

Ultimately, they want to find ways to help lake businesses to thrive all year around, not just survive.

“We’d like to see Cultus Lake Park flourish,” he said.

Committee members are looking for ways to embrace and support the surrounding communities around Cultus.

They’re also considering ways to make the lakeside community more “user friendly” as they map out what it might look like 20 years down the line.

Anyone who can’t attend the Oct. 19 open house can fill out the survey online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BNV3629

The open house will include activities for the whole family and a prize draw.

Cultus OCP open house, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m., Cultus Lake Community Hall at

4220 Columbia Valley Highway.

Check out more at plancultus.com

Chilliwack Progress