Gabriola Health Clinic clears another hurdle

Members of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation are celebrating the rezoning approval of the proposed clinic property by the Gabriola Trust.

Members of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation are celebrating the rezoning approval of the proposed clinic property by the Gabriola Trust.

The bylaw was approved last week, but needs the OK from the Islands Trust executive committee and the province before becoming law. The executive committee meets April 19.

But foundation members are calling it a victory.

“This was a huge hurdle for us to get through,” said Nancy Nevison, chairwoman of the Gabriola Health Care Auxiliary. “It’s been exciting and more than anything I breathed a sigh of relief.”

Sheila Malcolmson, a member of the Gabriola Island Local Trust Committee and Islands Trust council chairwoman, said bylaws are rarely denied after approval at the local trust level.

Malcolmson said there was controversy around changing the proposed clinic location land, located on Church Street, from forestry to institutional.

The trust received 718 separate comments on the process. Malcolmson said about 375 were in favour, 37 were opposed, there was a petition of opposition signed by 68 people and some comments were neutral.

“It wasn’t a unanimous show of community support,” said Malcolmson.

Some comments dealt with issues unrelated to the bylaw, such as the foundation’s structure or that other existing properties could house the clinic.

“No one identified why that specific property wouldn’t be an appropriate location,” said Malcolmson.

Donations have started to pour into the foundation. Brenda Fowler, president of the Gabriola Health Care Foundation, said some donor were waiting for approval before committing money.

“People can now smell the reality of it,” she said.

The foundation has raised $675,000, plus donations of labour and materials. It has $350,000 left to reach its goal of $1 million.

For more information about the foundation, please call 250-325-7215 or go to


Nanaimo News Bulletin