GADSAR Report: Members help injured dirt biker

On May 11, four members responded to an injured dirt biker stuck in the Kinbasket area.

The Golden and District Search and Rescue were called out on two tasks this past month.

On May 11, four members responded to an injured dirt biker stuck in the Kinbasket area. GADSAR went in by helicopter to assist the ambulance service in retrieving the patient.

GADSAR was also called in to assist the Invermere Search and Rescue in a water rescue mission.

“They requested our assistance, so our swift water rescue technicians went to help out,” said Ben Tanasichuk, GADSAR’s information officer.

A vehicle was travelling on a forest service road near Panorama resort in the early morning hours on May 25, and rolled in Toby Creek.

There were two occupants in the vehicle.

One was able to escape the vehicle and go for help. The second occupant was found later, deceased.

GADSAR also participated in the some interdepartmental training with Golden Fire Rescue. They practiced some high angle rope rescue, for situations such as a car that has gone over a cliff.

The fire department picked up the task of road rescue on the highways surrounding Golden after GADSAR decided it was not feasible for them to continue the service.

However, GADSAR is happy to support the fire department in whatever way they can.

Last month, Golden Concrete gave a $1,000 donation to search and rescue at a reopening and customer appreciation event.

GADSAR would like to thank them for the generous  support they have shown.

Golden Star