FVRD chair Sharon Gaetz (left) and vice-chair Patricia Ross.

FVRD chair Sharon Gaetz (left) and vice-chair Patricia Ross.

Gaetz re-elected to chair FVRD board

FVRD board retains status quo with re-election of Sharon Gaetz and Patricia Ross to top positions.

Chilliwack mayor Sharon Gaetz has been re-elected as chair of the Fraser Valley Regional District board of directors on Tuesday. Abbotsford city councillor Patricia Ross has been re-elected as vice-chair.

Both Gaetz and Abbotsford mayor Bruce Banman stood for election to the chair seat. Banman, nominated by Mission mayor Ted Adlem, spoke of bringing a “new and fresh” voice to the campaign against Metro Vancouver’s proposed Waste-to-Energy garbage incinerator during his nomination speech, calling the issue “the single biggest battle we have before us.” He said he brought a different leadership style to the table that encouraged people to speak their minds and be heard.

Gaetz stood for re-election after a nomination by Area A director Lloyd Forman. She spoke of 2013 as being a year of success for the FVRD, and of the board working well together and with her.

“I’ve been very vocal in expressing your view and my views to the province,” Gaetz told the directors before the vote.

Ross was acclaimed to her vice-chair seat after Adlem, who was nominated to that position as well, refused to stand for it.

After the results, Ross thanked the board for putting their faith behind Gaetz and herself for another year.

“We are very proud to represent this region and all we have to offer. We’re very proud of the people that sit around this table and all the people we represent.”

Abbotsford News