Jennifer Harris and hubby Mike Gower are looking splendid as they get ready for a fabulous evening at last Saturday’s Masquerade Gala for Cameryn’s Cause.

Jennifer Harris and hubby Mike Gower are looking splendid as they get ready for a fabulous evening at last Saturday’s Masquerade Gala for Cameryn’s Cause.

Gala raises thousands

In a gorgeously decorated Campbell River gym, a packed house in masquerade dined, danced and opened their wallets

It was the biggest and best gala ever for Cameryn’s Cause for Kids Society.

It was also fab-u-lous!

In a gorgeously decorated Sportsplex gym, a packed house in masquerade dined, danced and opened their wallets last Saturday to donate almost $32,000 to support families in need.

“Cameryn’s Cause provides financial assistance to local families who have a child with a life-threatening or acute illness or injury, or help with expenses when a child passes away,” said society founder Shayleen Harris, whose three-year-old daughter Cameryn died of a brain tumour.

But Cameryn’s spirit lives on and to date the society has helped support 80 other Campbell River families. It has also provided financial aid for the funerals of eight children.

“We’ve been successful in helping families, not just because of what we do, but because you, our supporters, (who) provide the means and the encouragement to keep Cameryn’s Cause going by donating and attending events like this one,” Harris told the audience. “You have bought into something worth believing in and I am incredibly honoured by that.”

Campbell River Mirror