James and Charlotte helped Joanna Long clean up dog poop along the Okanagan Rail Trail after she issued a challenge to the community. - Contributed

James and Charlotte helped Joanna Long clean up dog poop along the Okanagan Rail Trail after she issued a challenge to the community. - Contributed

Garbage bags full of trash, dog poop collected from Okanagan Rail Trail

Joanna Long issued a challenge to Lake Country to clean up after the dogs and took it a step further

A few people in Lake Country came to aid Joanna Long with her quest to free the Okanagan Rail Trail of dog poop.

A few weeks ago, angry Lake Country residents took to Facebook to voice their disgust over the amount of poop left behind once the snow had melted.

Long decided to take it one step further by issuing a challenge to those on the rail trail, asking them to bring extra bags in order for the community to keep the rail trail clean.

READ MORE: Shuswap consuming dog poop bags by the thousands

She also held a dog poop pick-up event on March 30 at the Woodsdale Road entrance to the trail in Lake Country.

Long, along with two other companions, filled a garbage bag before heading to Beaver Lake where they found even more.

READ MORE: Challenge issued to keep Okanagan Rail Trail free of dog poop

“It was a terrible mess we filled up one garbage bag full with a lot of garbage as well,” she said.

But she’s been successful at passing along a message.

“I went for breakfast with the bus drivers yesterday and was told there’s two little girls picking up dog poop around Beaver Lake Trailer Park because of bus driver Jo it just warmed my heart to hear that,” she said.

As a bus driver in the district, and now taking time off to deal with cancer treatments, she said she wanted to organize a walk with the kids she used to give rides home to.

READ MORE: ‘That’s a load of crap’: Dog poop conspiracy spreads in White Rock

While she’s not organizing another event in the near future, she hopes her challenge spread awareness for the issue and that a few people will be “picking up the slack and the poop,” she said.

Long will continue picking up after her dogs and for other dogs when she is able to.

READ MORE: Pooch poop popping up on Central Okanagan parks and trails

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