As of Monday, July 26, the Garrison fire measured 1,150 hectares. Photo Facebook

Garrison fire, 33 km west of Princeton, doubles in size again

BC Wildfire predicts more growth, citing weather and wind

The Garrison fire near East Gate, 33 km west of Princeton, has more than doubled in size over the last 24 hours.

According to a BC Wildfire update, as of Tuesday, July 27, the fire is measured at 2,400 hectares.

“The increase in size is due to the fire taking a run to the north in open timber types. Further growth is expected on this fire, which is dependent on the weather, in particular the wind,” the service stated.

On Sunday BC Wildfire measured the blaze at 1,150 hectares. The same day, two large properties were put on evacuation order and another 141 addresses remain on evacuation alert.

Related: VIDEO: Pack your grab-and-go bag before the evacuation alert

Just Saturday, July 24, the fire was 450 hectares, compared to 45 hectares on Friday, July 23.

The fire is described as out of control and “interface,” which means it threatens both forest and structures.

BC Wildfire said Tuesday: “This fire is being monitored with aerial resources, and industry partners are working with heavy equipment to action the fire.”

East Gate residents are feeling “stressed and anxious,” but also incredibly grateful.

“We’ve had a lot of support from a lot of people,” Jane Whitcher told Black Press.

Whitcher said the East Gate Fire Association and its leadership deserves much credit for keeping the small community safe.

“These people know what they are doing…Thank God for these guys. We are so lucky to have them in command.”

Whitcher said individual property owners are doing their best to keep the danger at bay.

“We’ve all got our sprinklers going now, so we are very happy about that.”

Like her neighbours, Whitcher is under evacuation alert and prepared for an order.

“Absolutely, most of us are packed and ready to go.”

More heat warnings coming for B.C.’s Southern Interior: Environment Canada

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