The fire behaved aggressively overnight July 30, states BC Wildfire. Photo Facebook

Garrison Lake fire jumps in size and moves into Manning Park

Blaze now measured at 6,400 hectares

The Garrison Lake fire, burning out of control near East Gate, 33 km southwest of Princeton, has once again jumped in size.

Saturday, July 31 BC Wildfire reported the blaze at 6,400 hectares, almost double its size the previous day.

“Crews reported aggressive fire behavior last night, and growth was observed on all sides of the fire,” states a BC Wildfire update. “BC Parks has been notified about this fire, as it has moved slightly into Manning Park. The fire has continued growth to the south and southeast. Due to growth this fire has become more visible.”

Two properties near East Gate were put on evacuation order earlier in the week, and 141 properties in the are remain on evacuation alert.

Friday, July 30 a new fire was started in Manning Park, new Fat Dog Creek, and was measured at 20 hectares.

Garrison Lake wildfire grows, becoming more visible

New Manning Park fire believed to be human caused

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