North Castlegar area was well secured as emergency personnel awaited Crew from FortisBC

North Castlegar area was well secured as emergency personnel awaited Crew from FortisBC

Gas leak creates Thursday morning buzz

Damage limited and threat mitigated by rapid response

  • Jun. 21, 2012 2:00 p.m.

Castlegar Fire Rescue personnel were quickly on the scene June 21, having received the report of a ruptured gas line. An excavator working along 1st Street had hit the line, causing a hissing leak, sending natural gas wafting through the area in calm and sunny conditions at about 7:30 a.m.

Occurring as it had on a dead end road in a relatively quiet neighbourhood, the situation, as declared by emergency personnel on the scene, was fairly low risk.

A FortisBC crew from Trail had been summoned to repair the damaged line.


Castlegar News