Gas Tax funding allotted to Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo

Cathy McLeod provides details of the newly announced Gas Tax Fund

Graph shows Gas Tax money going to various communities.

Graph shows Gas Tax money going to various communities.

Cathy McLeod, Member of Parliament for Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo provided details of the newly announced Gas Tax Fund, that will support local infrastructure priorities in nine communities within her riding, including the District of Clearwater.

“The agreement for the renewed federal Gas Tax Fund will provide predictable, stable funding for public infrastructure throughout nine municipalities and districts of Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo,” said McLeod. “The funding will provide local governments with the flexibility to choose and plan infrastructure projects based on their specific priorities. The agreements will govern the flow of federal funds over the next ten years, from 2014-2015 to 2023-24.”

The New Building Canada Plan will provide $53 billion in funding to communities across the country over the next decade.


For British Columbia, this represents almost $3.9 billion in dedicated federal funding, including almost $1.1 billion under the New Building Canada Fund, with approximately $109 million allocated for projects located in communities of fewer than 100,000 residents through the Small Communities Fund, and an estimated $2.76 billion under the federal Gas Tax Fund.



Clearwater Times