Equipped with sword, hatchet and rule book, Travis Clapp hopes to get a few more RPG's going in Fernie. (Scott Tibballs / The Free Press)

Get adventuring this Spring

Travis Clapp of Fernie is hoping to get more DND campaigns going in Fernie

  • May. 18, 2021 12:00 a.m.

There’s a call going out right now.

For adventurers, warriors and wizards, for healers and musicians and traders, to explore the deepest dungeons and conquer the highest peaks.

To roll some dice and kick some … backsides.

To play Dungeons and Dragons (or whatever flavor tabletop role-playing game (RPG) takes your fancy).

Travis Clapp of Fernie is a huge fan of the popular role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons (DND) and all the various games that follow the same principles of creating characters and exploring worlds with friends through dice-based roleplay.

He’s got a few games going on Zoom already, but a few more – and maybe even a few in person outside when it was safe were welcome.

“I’d really lime to find some new people who’ve never played this before,” he said.

“It’s (normally) a great indoor game, but now it’s Spring, it can be taken outside – just need a lot of paperweights.”

Clapp has been playing since he was 13, and is around the rules of games like DND, Pathfinder and others, which are all intensively team-based games both in world building and problem solving.

“That’s my favourite thing about dungeons and dragons – it’s always a new story.

“It’s an escape, and a challenge – and not a simple challenge. You need to think through consequences all the time.”

To get a few more games up off the ground, Clapp is encouraging anyone interested in DND or other role playing games to get in touch. He’s set up an email account at fernietabletop@gmail.com for those that are interested, and maybe down the line there could even be a club for like-minded people interested in learning the rules, and going on some adventures.

“Its a good way to meet people if you’re new to a place.”

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