Get Culturally Inspired using your Library Card

Okanagan Regional Library launching pilot program in celebration of Culture Days.

In celebration of nation-wide Culture Days this weekend, the Okanagan Regional Library (ORL) is launching a pilot program to give library card members discounts and special offers at some of Kelowna’s premier arts and culture organizations, called the “Kelowna Inspiration Pass”.

The Pass includes a booklet explaining the program and all of the participating organizations’ offers, and a pass card valid for three weeks. With these materials, pass holders can visit or contact organizations such as art galleries and museums, and musical, theatre and dance companies to take advantage of everything from 2-for-1 tickets to free annual memberships.

“This initiative came from a spirit of partnership,” says downtown Kelowna library Branch Head, Fern Teleglow. “The library wanted to work with other cultural organizations in our community to increase awareness and access for all, which in essence is what a library is all about.”

The Kelowna Inspiration Pass can be reserved through the library catalogue, similarly to a book or other resource, and picked up at any local library branch.

“This kind of program has been very successful in other cities, helping library members realize what’s available in their communities and in making it more affordable for everyone to participate,” explains Teleglow.

To date, participating Kelowna-based cultural organizations include:

–          Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art

–          Ballet Kelowna

–          Bumbershoot Theatre

–          Chamber Music Kelowna

–          Kelowna Art Gallery

–          Kelowna Actor’s Studio

–          Kelowna Museums

–          Okanagan Symphony Orchestra

–          Opera Kelowna

–          Rotary Centre for the Arts

Other organizations may be added over time and the program may expand to other areas within the ORL’s region, based on evaluation and feedback.

In order to take advantage of the Kelowna Inspiration Pass, you must be an ORL library card member. If not, simply sign up at your nearest branch with ID showing your valid Okanagan address. Library membership is free for everyone who lives in or own property in the ORL region, which spans from Golden to Osoyoos.

Once you have your library card number and passcode, visit the ORL website at and search for “Kelowna Inspiration Pass” in the catalogue where you can place a hold on a pass. Once it arrives at your local branch, you have three weeks to enjoy exclusive offers from participating institutions.

Kelowna Capital News