Kimberley mayor Don McCormick. File photo

Get first available vaccine, Kimberley mayor urges

Kimberley Mayor Don McCormick is urging people to get vaccinated, and not let media reports of rare side effects from vaccinations deter them.

Kimberley Mayor Don McCormick is urging people to get vaccinated, and not let media reports of rare side effects from vaccinations deter them.

McCormick took to social media on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 to share his thoughts.

It is incredibly confusing listening to news interviews right now. The ‘advice’ from the National Advisory Committee on…

Posted by Mayor Don McCormick on Tuesday, 4 May 2021

“It is incredibly confusing listening to news interviews right now,” he said. “The ‘advice’ from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) is the latest example of conflicting messaging that leaves us wondering who or what to believe. I sense a fear of commitment to a direction from these people, a fear that a rare adverse incident will come back on them personally. Our Provincial Health folks remain very clear – take the first available vaccine as early as you can get it.”

He also reminded people that any drug comes with a long list of side effects, many of which we promptly ignore.

“Take any prescription drug in your medicine cabinet. The instruction sheet the pharmacist puts in the bag for your review includes a list of all side effects. Read that list. Most include scary ‘rare’ occurrences. Virtually every drug has them. We do not even think about it; we rarely read them; we don’t even listen closely when the pharmacist points them out. Rare instances of death are not reported in any media.”

McCormick has long said that the only way out of this pandemic and back to relative normality is through vaccination.

“The media focus on the emerging side effects and fear of consequences is blinding many to the fact that the risks of COVID consequences during and after illness are orders of magnitude greater than the potential of experiencing a rare side affect.

“The health authorities are now telling us that there are many openings for vaccination registration. Please register now. Get in the queue.

“People aged 30 and over may now choose to receive an AstrtaZenneca vaccine from pharmacies, including six pharmacies in Cranbrook. We are reminded to only schedule one appointment, either using the provincial system or with a participating pharmacy directly. Anecdotally, I have heard of a pharmacy registration in Cranbrook confirmed for the next day.

“Please remember to follow the basic protocols. Although the active case count in Kimberley has fluctuated more recently, our community continues to show one of the most positive results among communities is all of BC. The latest maps released indicate 7 reported new cases up to April 24th. The past week should be available in a day or so.

“We know that vaccines are not 100 per cent effective, so thanks to everyone for tightening up activities and following the basic protocols – they work!”

READ: Don’t let your guard down now, says Kimberley Mayor Don McCormick

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