Get ready for the annual Beef Dip Dinner for the Fort St. James Food Bank

The Stuart Lake Outreach Group Society is holding the 4th annual Beef Dip Dinner in support of the Fort St. James Food Bank.

  • Oct. 26, 2016 7:00 a.m.

Barbara Latkowski

Caledonia Courier

The Stuart Lake Outreach Group Society is holding the 4th annual Beef Dip Dinner in support of the Fort St. James Food Bank.

On Oct. 29, fundraising activities include a delicious beef dip dinner with Caesar salad and desserts.

The night will also include a silent auction and live auction after dinner.

“It’s going to be great auction this year,” Judy Greenaway, treasurer for Stuart Lake Outreach said.

This event is the largest in support of the Food Bank in Fort St. James and funds are needed more than ever this year.

“Numbers have drastically increased,” Greenaway said.

According to the society, they have doubled the number of hampers they are giving out.

And the society continues to serve two meals a week at the Anglican Church in Fort St. James.

Stuart Lake Outreach became an organization in July, 2014. They were financed through the Anglican Church until 2015. They now have charity status.

The Beef Dip Dinner will be held at Fort St. James Secondary School in the old High School Gym at 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 29. All are welcome.

If anyone would like to donate funds or auction items for the dinner, they may contact Rev. Gwen Andrews at: (250) 570-9225.

If you would like to donate food, contact Alice Adams at: (250) 996-3126.



Caledonia Courier