Get to know your 2018 election candidates

This week's question: What is the most valuable asset you will bring to council?

  • Sep. 28, 2018 12:00 a.m.
There are seven candidates running for Town of Golden council.

There are seven candidates running for Town of Golden council.

Leslie Adams

If I am elected for another four-year term, I think the most valuable asset I bring to council is integrity.

What this means to me is that I work within my values which include honesty, accountability, hard work, and respect for other’s views. I believe that I am answerable to the community at large and will, when possible, incorporate your information into my decision making process. I am a caring and approachable person with a strong sense of social justice.

In the last four years, I have learned that being a councillor means working within a team of council and staff. This involves listening respectfully to the others at the council table, debating in a civil manner, and making common sense decisions.

In order to do this, I commit to doing my homework, showing up to meetings and local events to listen and contribute in a considerate way.

I have many connections within the community and have demonstrated a willingness to listen attentively and empathetically. I believe I am approachable and easy to find.

If elected, I commit to continue to act within my values and morals, with integrity, to represent you and the community honestly and respectfully.

Connie Barlow

If elected, the most valuable asset I will bring to council is my connection to my community – our community.

My strong sense of community has been nurtured over the 50 years I have lived and worked in Golden.

As a wife and mother, I experienced and appreciated the support and enduring community connections that matured as we raised our kids and developed friendships.

Ten years working in the public school system supporting children, families, and teachers made me deeply aware of the challenges, fears, and joys we all have in common on the path of lifelong learning. Thirty years as a leader in community social services development has fostered meaningful and collaborative relationships with colleagues, individuals, families, and community partners.

Two terms on town council, 12 years as a school trustee and nine years on the local credit union board has entrenched me in the world of governance. I understand and respect the responsibility and commitment that comes with being an elected representative.

I listen, I talk, and I participate. Collectively, my experiences contribute to my insight into what makes a healthy, vibrant, and sustainable community – and an effective councillor.

One thing I know for sure – Together we are better.

Jim de Bolebec

The most valuable asset that I bring to town council is my experience over a lifetime of being an unpaid volunteer worker. Currently, I am treasurer for two non-profit organizations, the Seniors and the Historical Society. I am a member of Restora- tive Justice, manager of the Golden Eagles Boys Basketball high school team, and member of the Age Friendly Committee. On this committee, I have taken several courses on helping others and was instrumental in establishing the LIFE Kit for Golden’s population. The kit is now being used in several other B.C. communities and is being brought up at the Community Paramedics Forum in Vancouver this fall. I have also spent 10 years on the board of an international organization. I believe my best asset is being a team player, one that is willing to listen and collaborate with others to work for the common good of the community. I am comfortable working with all ages and believe I have the respect of all ages. As a retired person, I have the time to dedicate to the work of a councillor. I guarantee I will meet with anyone that wants to sit down and discuss issues.

Chris Hambruch

I bring 22 years of experience to council. Among the normal council, finance, and committee meetings, I have served as director on the Columbia Shuswap Regional District, director of the Kootenay East Regional Hospital District, as well as council liaison to several other local organizations. From my experience, I have gained a good understanding of local government areas of responsibility, processes, and procedures.

From a professional development perspective, I strive to attend seminars and presentations relative to local government when they are available. I also participated in the Simon Fraser Community Economic Development training when it was available here.

I try to be involved with various local groups and organizations which keeps me aware of what is happening in the community. I take pride in being non-partisan and I balance my decisions using my experience, community, financial, and social needs in the community.

During my time on council, asset management has been a strong focus within the Town of Golden and continuing to upgrade and renew infrastructure as “we” can afford it will keep Golden a great place to call home.

Eddie Leigan

If re-elected to town council I would say my best asset would be my willingness and ability to connect with all age groups of our Golden community. As the youngest candidate for town council once again at the age of 27, I believe that young families need representation in our governing body, in recreation, planning, zoning, bylaws and in municipal services. With that being said, I also connect well with older age groups as I have great respect for seniors in our community. I believe that lessons learned from generations past, combined with the younger generation’s dreams for the future, can combine to create the best long term, sustainable outcomes for our community. It would not be uncommon for you to find me out and about in our community visiting and socializing. I find the best settings to get input for a councillor is casual meeting places. Be it soup day, a coffee shop, community event or certain late-night establishments, they create a great casual input environment for collecting opinions from all age groups in their own comfortable environment. In closing, I reiterate that always open, willing, inclusive and casual engagement for all ages is my best asset. Thank you.

John Manuel

I am committed to Golden and have time and energy, but I think my most valuable asset for council is that I am very curious. Before I take a position on an issue I want to understand it. I would be reading staff reports and asking questions when I don’t understand what I am reading. Beyond that, I will want to learn about the issue so I would be talking and listening to other councillors as well as people and groups in the town.

I am curious about how things work and how they can be improved. Are we delivering services in the most efficient way? Are we spending money carefully and getting the best value? I know that the Town is looking at a community forest. I don’t know much about community forests so if elected I will be learning about them. Most issues have costs and benefits so I think it is important to learn both if you are going to make a decision about the issue.

Caleb Moss

Greetings and salutations amazing community of Golden. I have once again been asked to offer you my time and thoughtful energy as an option for your town council. I hold this responsibility in the deepest regard, continually study governance, and am fully focused on continuing to grow and build a solid leadership team. I believe I am well suited for the role. My 10 years of direct experience, coupled with the skills and abilities I developed, allow me to serve at a high level. In contemplating what personal asset stands out, I have landed upon “leadership.” By leadership I mean that I function to raise the level of council. Council relies on me to come fully prepared, to help translate complex situations, to speak with clarity and conviction, and to challenge them to always do the best job possible in service of sound community governance. Having a group of well meaning individuals is fantastic, but for a governance team to truly thrive, the assets I bring to the table have proven to be invaluable. I promise to continually lead by example, be uncompromisingly awesome, bring creativity and laughter, and always push for excellence.

Golden Star

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