Get your free Chad Brownlee tickets here

Chronicle giving away tickets to concert also featuring Jess Moskaluke and Bobby Wills

For a chance to see Chad Brownlee in concert for free, stop by the Chronicle office before 4 p.m., Feb. 20 with a non-perishable food donation.

For a chance to see Chad Brownlee in concert for free, stop by the Chronicle office before 4 p.m., Feb. 20 with a non-perishable food donation.

The hottest ticket on Vancouver Island? Everybody knows it’s SunFest.

But for a sneak peek at all the fun the massive annual country music bash can bring, look no further than your Chronicle.

On April 4, SunFest is presenting When The Lights Go Down, a country music appetizer in Nanoose featuring the triple threat of Chad Brownlee, Jess Moskaluke, and Bobby Wills.

Tickets are worth $40 each, but you have a chance to get yours for free just by showing up at the Chronicle office before 4 p.m. Friday with a non-perishable food donation to the Ladysmith Food Bank. For each item you bring you get an entry into a draw for a pair of tickets.

Riding in with his recent hits Falling Over You, Crash and Just Because, Brownlee is a former top hockey prospect who dropped his stick for a guitar six years ago and has enjoyed great success on the Canadian country charts ever since.

He will be joined by Moskaluke of Cheap Wine and Cigarettes fame, and Wills, known for his hit Never Didn’t Love You.

This concert takes place north of Nanaimo at the Arbutus Meadows equestrian centre, 1515 Island Highway East, starting at 4:30 p.m.

The Chronicle office is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and located south of Ladysmith Motorsports on the east side of the highway at 940 Oyster Bay Drive.

For information on the draw, call 250-245-2877. For more on the concert, go to

Ladysmith Chronicle