Brechin Elementary School. (NEWS BULLETIN file photo)

Brechin Elementary School. (NEWS BULLETIN file photo)

Girl approached by stranger at Nanaimo elementary school

Brechin Elementary School principal sends letter to parents after Tuesday afternoon incident

  • Oct. 23, 2019 12:00 a.m.

A Nanaimo elementary student was approached by a stranger on school grounds yesterday.

According to a letter sent to parents from Brechin Elementary School’s principal, the incident happened Tuesday at about 1:45 p.m.

Two sisters were in the back playground area when they were approached by a woman who “offered to take the younger sibling” and when told no, ran back toward a car parked on Northumberland Avenue.

“The child did exactly as we instruct in the schools and police were on site very quickly…” said Dale Burgos, Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools spokesman, in an e-mail. “The school informed parents of the incident and also reminds students about unwanted encounters and potential dangers. Parents are also asked to speak to their children about what to do in these circumstances.”

Police are investigating. According to a Nanaimo RCMP press release, the older of the two sisters was watching her younger sibling in the school playground and there may have been a disagreement between them. A woman approached them and spoke to the older child, and offered to take the younger one. The two young girls left and went to the school.

“It is not known at this time if this was a person offering to help, or there is more to the story. We are investigating and believe this is an isolated incident,” said Sgt. Jon Stuart, Nanaimo RCMP spokesman, in the press release. “Police are interested in speaking to the female.”

The woman was described as professionally dressed in a black dress, red cardigan and grey high heels, her dark hair tied in a bun. She left in a grey, two-door car that was parked on Northumberland Avenue.

Anyone with information is asked to call Nanaimo RCMP at 250-754-2345.

READ ALSO: Eight-year-old girl reports being grabbed by stranger in Nanaimo

READ ALSO: Nanaimo RCMP probe eight fires at Brechin Elementary School

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