Girl escapes would-be assailant

Girl escapes would-be assailant

Fort Langley student repels stranger with kick to the shin

A 12-year-old girl’s swift kick to the shin of an assailant may have saved her from more harm after she was grabbed by a man on Tuesday, Oct 30 in Fort Langley. The incident took place shortly after 12 noon.

Langley RCMP have issued a composite drawing of the man they believe grabbed the wrist of the girl as she stood near the village cemetery shortly after noon.

Cpl. Holly Marks, who speaks for Langley RCMP, said that the girl was startled when the man came up behind her and grabbed her.

“The young girl screamed, turned toward him and kicked him in the shin. He released her wrist and she ran back to her school (Langley Fine Arts),” Marks said.

The school is just around the corner from the cemetery.

The suspect is described as Caucasian, about 6’2 tall” and with no facial hair. He has a crooked nose, spiky brown hair with grey streaks, and wore a dark hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans.

It is possible he was wearing a ring.

There were no vehicles in the area at the time, and the man did not speak to the girl, Marks said.

Police are asking the public to study the accompanying composite sketch and call them at 604 532-3200 if they have any information that could help identify the suspect.

To remain anonymous, call 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), or report any details via, or

Langley Times