Girl falls from second-storey window

A 12-year-old girl suffered a broken arm after falling from an Abbotsford home's window on Wednesday evening.

A 12-year-old girl is nursing a broken arm after falling out of a second-storey window on Wednesday night.

Abbotsford Police and B.C. ambulance services were called out to a home in the 6200 block of Swanson Street at approximately 7 p.m.

“It’s not everyday you have a 12-year-old fall out a window,” said Abbotsford Police Const. Ian MacDonald.

The girl was visiting a friend at the home when the accident occurred.

According to MacDonald, the two friends were playing a game in the living room when the visitor went behind the couch.

“She moves behind the couch and attempts to brace herself against the window.”

However, the window was open.

“So instead of being able to brace herself, she goes through.”

When police arrived, the girl was conscious and talking but visibly injured. She was transported to hospital to treat her arm and to check for any neck or spine damage.

The girl is now sporting a cast on her broken arm.

Abbotsford News