Give the gift of ‘The Talk’ to your loved ones

Advance care planning is a process of reflection and communication, a time to reflect on values and wishes.

  • Jan. 27, 2017 10:00 a.m.


As you approach Valentine’s Day and the expressions of love it is intended to inspire, consider giving the wonderful gift of “The Talk” with your loved ones.

Whether you are young or young at heart, start the year off right by making or reviewing your Advance Care Plan—make sure your voice is heard and your loved ones have the confidence to speak on your behalf about the health care you would want if you are unable to speak for yourself.

We know dying is not the easiest subject to talk about, but there’s a 100 per cent chance that it’s going to happen to you.

“Imagine, one day, without any warning, you find yourself in a hospital in a life-threatening situation, unable to communicate,” said Lynn Brandon, Comox Valley Hospice Society president. “Who would speak for you and make health care decisions on your behalf? We never know when our circumstances might unexpectedly change.”

You are cordially invited to learn more about advance care planning in an introductory workshop on Monday, Jan. 30 from 6:30—8:30 p.m. at the Comox Fire Hall and Thursday, Feb. 23 from 1-3 p.m. at the Vancouver Island Visitor Centre.

Advance care planning is a process of reflection and communication, a time to reflect on your values and wishes, and to let others know your future health and personal care preferences in the event you become incapable of consenting to or refusing treatment or other care.

Advance care planning means having conversations with family and friends and designating a representative – the person you want to speak for you if you cannot speak for yourself. It may also include writing down your wishes, and may involve talking with healthcare providers, and financial and legal professionals.

You may never need your advance care plan – but if you do, you’ll be glad that it’s there and that you have had these conversations, to make sure that your voice is heard and your loved ones can speak on your behalf when you cannot speak for yourself.

To register for these sessions or access other advance care planning information, contact the CVHS at 250-339-5533 or

You may also wish to review information and materials at

Comox Valley Record